About Valerie

Sailing the BVI

Welcome to My Kitchen Coop! My name is Valerie. I have a lot of interests and hobbies, and this is a perfect place to keep it all together. My list includes cooking, baking, organic gardening, writing, photography, soap-making, and learning. I'm a wife, friend, and mom to include human, dogs, chickens, and bees. My experience includes volunteer mom-ing (from my daughter's school days), picture-framing (self-employed for thirteen years), student of TCM, and ER nursing.

I love Colorado snow

My husband, Kevin, has been through thick and thin with me. We've been married since we were teenagers. 

Top of Pikes Peak (he hiked)
Love that smile

Our last time in Waldo's Canyon before the fire (how 'bout those guns?)

So proud of these guys

Kevin's a hard-working business co-owner at Accelerate Auto and Transmission, and the beneficiary of a lot of my posts!

Our daughter is grown, with a family of her own. A husband and two boys keep her busy. Her cooking skills far exceed mine. She is a beautiful, intelligent, kind and giving soul.

Cute puppies

My two dogs, Max (the Schnocker), and Gus (the Yorkie), are a handful. They're my boys. I call them my little monsters. They don't realize that they aren't puppies anymore. 

Gus deserves rest after a day of gardening

I'm not sure Max approves

My girls are my hens. I have ten. They vary in age. our are still peeps and I can't wait to show them to you.

They keep me supplied with all of the eggs I use in my posts. I love knowing where my eggs come from, and knowing that their diet is a healthy one. They free-range.

Every backyard should have bees

I host bees in my backyard. The hive is full! Raw honey is the best. There is so much information on bees and honey. I hope to share that with you soon.

My garden keeps me busy, both in the yard and the kitchen.

I started this blog to share these moments, pictures, and thoughts. Stick around and browse a while, Leave a comment, or send me a note. I would love to hear from you!

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